Wednesday 6 June 2018

CS8383 Object Oriented Programming Laboratory Lab Manual Viva Experiments Set Previous Important Question With Answers Aim Algorithm Program Procedure Result Output Anna University Regulation 2017 Study Materials Pdf Ppt

 CS8383 Object Oriented Programming Laboratory  Lab Manual Viva Experiments  Set  Previous Important Question With Answers  Aim Algorithm Program Procedure  Result  Output  Anna University Regulation 2017 Study Materials Pdf Ppt 

CS8383 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LABORATORY L T P C 0 0 4 2 OBJECTIVES  To build software development skills using java programming for real-world applications.  To understand and apply the concepts of classes, packages, interfaces, arraylist, exception handling and file processing.  To develop applications using generic programming and event handling. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Develop a Java application to generate Electricity bill. Create a class with the following members: Consumer no., consumer name, previous month reading, current month reading, type of EB connection (i.e domestic or commercial). Compute the bill amount using the following tariff. If the type of the EB connection is domestic, calculate the amount to be paid as follows:  First 100 units - Rs. 1 per unit  101-200 units - Rs. 2.50 per unit  201 -500 units - Rs. 4 per unit  > 501 units - Rs. 6 per unit If the type of the EB connection is commercial, calculate the amount to be paid as follows:  First 100 units - Rs. 2 per unit  101-200 units - Rs. 4.50 per unit  201 -500 units - Rs. 6 per unit  > 501 units - Rs. 7 per unit 2. Develop a java application to implement currency converter (Dollar to INR, EURO to INR, Yen to INR and vice versa), distance converter (meter to KM, miles to KM and vice versa) , time converter (hours to minutes, seconds and vice versa) using packages. 3. Develop a java application with Employee class with Emp_name, Emp_id, Address, Mail_id, Mobile_no as members. Inherit the classes, Programmer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor from employee class. Add Basic Pay (BP) as the member of all the inherited classes with 97% of BP as DA, 10 % of BP as HRA, 12% of BP as PF, 0.1% of BP for staff club fund. Generate pay slips for the employees with their gross and net salary. 4. Design a Java interface for ADT Stack. Implement this interface using array. Provide necessary exception handling in both the implementations. 5. Write a program to perform string operations using ArrayList. Write functions for the following a. Append - add at end b. Insert – add at particular index c. Search d. List all string starts with given letter 9 6. Write a Java Program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains two integers and an empty method named print Area(). Provide three classes named Rectangle, Triangle and Circle such that each one of the classes extends the class Shape. Each one of the classes contains only the method print Area () that prints the area of the given shape. 7. Write a Java program to implement user defined exception handling. 8. Write a Java program that reads a file name from the user, displays information about whether the file exists, whether the file is readable, or writable, the type of file and the length of the file in bytes. 9. Write a java program that implements a multi-threaded application that has three threads. First thread generates a random integer every 1 second and if the value is even, second thread computes the square of the number and prints. If the value is odd, the third thread will print the value of cube of the number. 10. Write a java program to find the maximum value from the given type of elements using a generic function. 11. Design a calculator using event-driven programming paradigm of Java with the following options. a) Decimal manipulations b) Scientific manipulations 12. Develop a mini project for any application using Java concepts. TOTAL : 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to  Develop and implement Java programs for simple applications that make use of classes, packages and interfaces.  Develop and implement Java programs with arraylist, exception handling and multithreading .  Design applications using file processing, generic programming and event handling.

 CS8383 Object Oriented Programming Laboratory  Lab Manual Viva Experiments  Set  Previous Important Question With Answers  Aim Algorithm Program Procedure  Result  Output  Anna University Regulation 2017 Study Materials Pdf Ppt 


  1. I have created lab manual for this. please find in this link

  2. Excellent sir.
    Immense for getting your matterial. We use it. With great thanks, Dr.G.Ramesh

    1. Thank you sir. Please share this with your friends.

  3. Hi sir.
    I am getting your matterial. We use it. It is so clearly and super. Thank You So Much Sir. K.Sathish Kumar

    1. Thank you Mr.Sathish please forward if have any questions Just give a mail
